Land of the Free - Part I
Okay okay, I guess I have to tell you about my trip to the states at the beginning of this year because it’s still very present in my head.
I actually wanted to start with my studies last year but unfortunately I didn’t get a place to study and I still had to make an internship in the field of social work to be allowed to go to a university. And because a very good friend of mine lives in the states and because she asked me to come over and visit her and because I had no special other plans at that point, I decided to forget about all my prejudices concerning the USA and just went there.

Oh my goodness, I was so excited because it was my first time on a plane and because I get travel sick so easy (see entry “How to start a Monday morning?”). I luckily made it to Oklahoma safe, without throwing up, not on time, suffering from jetlag and longing for an extensively shower but I made it.
The first thing I remember were these glaring lights on the highway on our way home. I felt like being over the moon. There had been a bad accident and I just thought ‘oh my goodness, what a great first impression’.
Unfortunately I don’t remember the first few days very well because I’ve been in kind of a coma, except that I flooded my friend’s bathroom the first day and was busy with wiping the floor for 2 hours. (I have to say that I feel much more comfortable and safer in German restrooms)...
To be continued
I actually wanted to start with my studies last year but unfortunately I didn’t get a place to study and I still had to make an internship in the field of social work to be allowed to go to a university. And because a very good friend of mine lives in the states and because she asked me to come over and visit her and because I had no special other plans at that point, I decided to forget about all my prejudices concerning the USA and just went there.

Oh my goodness, I was so excited because it was my first time on a plane and because I get travel sick so easy (see entry “How to start a Monday morning?”). I luckily made it to Oklahoma safe, without throwing up, not on time, suffering from jetlag and longing for an extensively shower but I made it.
The first thing I remember were these glaring lights on the highway on our way home. I felt like being over the moon. There had been a bad accident and I just thought ‘oh my goodness, what a great first impression’.
Unfortunately I don’t remember the first few days very well because I’ve been in kind of a coma, except that I flooded my friend’s bathroom the first day and was busy with wiping the floor for 2 hours. (I have to say that I feel much more comfortable and safer in German restrooms)...
To be continued
ach dude, du kanst auch in der heimat bäder überfluten. ich kann mich daran erinnern, das du dies bei mir schon geschafft hast, aber ich fand das der viele schaum, der aus der waschmaschine kam gut von dir beseitigt worden war. nur war jedes handtuch in mitleidenschaft gezogen worden und dementsprechend nass. aber witzig..
Anonym, at 11/25/2004 8:38 PM
du weißt doch, dass ich zum Drops werde, wenn ich mich in einer fremden Umgebung befinde...
Leenda, at 11/25/2004 8:45 PM
Aber Leenda, *mein* Bad has du noch nie überflutet! Jetzt fühl ich mich vernachlässigt.
thegermanygirl, at 12/06/2004 6:27 PM
Sag mir einfach einen Tag und eine Zeit und ich werde da sein, um es nachzuholen. Ich will dich ja nicht benachteiligen und für ein ausgewogenes Gleichgewicht der Überschwemmungen in verschiedenen Wohnungen sorgen.
Leenda, at 12/06/2004 7:45 PM
Wow...würdest du auch eine Überschwemmung in der Küche verursachen können? Da ist der Boden nämlich ziemlich dreckig...
thegermanygirl, at 12/06/2004 11:52 PM
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