Hi folks,
I've been at home this weekend because I felt kind of "driven" to do so. And I'm very glad I went because I had a fantastic weekend.
On Friday we had EBS (English Bible Study) at our church and we come together to do that every 2 weeks. So we sat around and sang a lot of worship songs first which is always so nice since we all enjoy singing a lot.
After that we had our Bible study and we talked about driven people and that we're all driven by something. It was very good and it also reminded me of the book "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren which I'm (still) reading right now. There is a chapter in this book called "What drives your life?" and it talks about the things people can be driven by which would be guilt, resentment, fear, materialism and approval. Well I realized that I was also driven by stuff like that in the past (I'm not talking about me feeling driven to come home for the weekend). But thinking about it now, I would have gained nothing important.
Earning the approval of other people, always worried about what they might think. What's that all about? Well, following the crowd you usually get lost in it. I'm seeking God's approval because I know that I am precious and special in his eyes.
Driven by resentment and anger? Well, resentment always hurts you more than it does the person you resent. Just let it go, give it all to God. He'll take care of it.
You need a purpose in your life that's worth being driven by. Knowing your purpose gives meaning to your life, it simplifies, focuses and motivates your life and it prepares you for eternity. Man, I want to be in God's presence after my life on earth. So let me just tell you this. You have gifts, talents, opportunities, energy, relationships and resources God gave you and you should use it for his purposes.
I just had to share my thoughts with you because I'm thinking about these things a lot.
And finally some more pictures.
I've been at home this weekend because I felt kind of "driven" to do so. And I'm very glad I went because I had a fantastic weekend.
On Friday we had EBS (English Bible Study) at our church and we come together to do that every 2 weeks. So we sat around and sang a lot of worship songs first which is always so nice since we all enjoy singing a lot.

After that we had our Bible study and we talked about driven people and that we're all driven by something. It was very good and it also reminded me of the book "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren which I'm (still) reading right now. There is a chapter in this book called "What drives your life?" and it talks about the things people can be driven by which would be guilt, resentment, fear, materialism and approval. Well I realized that I was also driven by stuff like that in the past (I'm not talking about me feeling driven to come home for the weekend). But thinking about it now, I would have gained nothing important.
Earning the approval of other people, always worried about what they might think. What's that all about? Well, following the crowd you usually get lost in it. I'm seeking God's approval because I know that I am precious and special in his eyes.
Driven by resentment and anger? Well, resentment always hurts you more than it does the person you resent. Just let it go, give it all to God. He'll take care of it.
You need a purpose in your life that's worth being driven by. Knowing your purpose gives meaning to your life, it simplifies, focuses and motivates your life and it prepares you for eternity. Man, I want to be in God's presence after my life on earth. So let me just tell you this. You have gifts, talents, opportunities, energy, relationships and resources God gave you and you should use it for his purposes.
I just had to share my thoughts with you because I'm thinking about these things a lot.
And finally some more pictures.

mein dude, ich bin ganz deiner meinung. in unserer heutigen zeit wird jeder mensch in irgendeiner weise getrieben vielleicht von anderen oder durch sich selbst. oftmal sind es die falschen ziele die angestrebt werden. ich bin dankbar das ich erkannt habe was mein ziel ist und das ist definitiv auch das wonach ich strebe und wo es mich "hintreibt" mit all meiner freude und energie und das ist bei gott zu sein. wo bekomme ich denn schon so einen hohen lohn für mein streben, außer eines tages bei gott?
hab dich lieb dude
Anonym, at 12/05/2004 11:14 PM
Haha, i think that is funny that you do not understand soccer either. Today our family went to Church and it rained all day long. I love the rain. I would not mind if it rained all the time. I loved your new posting. Not just for what you said but for the pictures you put up. I do not know any of the people of course but i love to look at the rooms and just see how different they are. Rooms in europe tend to be decorated differently than i the states. so how long have you been a Christian? Have a nice day.
Anonym, at 12/06/2004 3:53 AM
Hey Leenda,
I'm glad you wrote about this. These things have been on my mind a lot lately, too. Especially since I've been doing ETM with Jim & Elsa... I'm really starting to learn that most of the pressure I think I experience actually comes from *inside me* rather than from any other person...and I'm figuring out that pressuring myself like this isn't necessarily healthy. I always thought it was a good thing--I suppose I took some pride in being so self-motivated.
But what do I get from taking pride in something I've done? I get humbled, because God always eventually shows me that I shouldn't be proud of anything. Because he is the source of my every accomplishment. If I achieve something, why should I be proud? *God* is responsible for it, because he gave me everything I used to reach my goal. If I want to glorify him, I have to give him all the credit. I can't do any of it on my own, so there's no reason for me to pressure myself so intensively. It just leads to stress, worry, and a very strong feeling of inadequacy.
I tend to be driven. In the bad way. I'm starting to learn what it means to be called, instead.
Thanks for letting me ramble. ;o)
thegermanygirl, at 12/06/2004 6:57 PM
P.S. I've posted in my blog today! Yay me! ;o)
thegermanygirl, at 12/06/2004 6:58 PM
P.P.S. Doarf isch von dei'm Blog zu meen'm so'n Link uffstelle? Isch meen en Link in meen'm Profül, wo isch aach annere Links uffgelist' hab. ?
thegermanygirl, at 12/06/2004 7:03 PM
Hey Xzamp, I like rain too, but only if it's warm outside. And I heard that it got pretty cold in Oklahoma lately.
I guess you're right, compared to the church I've been to in the states it looks VERY different. But I just love our church here and all the people although/because we're not that big. I got baptized in 2001, I think, after I had gone to church for 2 years. And I'm very thankful I made this decision. So, how long do you go to church? And what kind of church is it?
Hey Court,
I totally agree with you. Pressuring yourself leads to stress and it is not healthy. And i know it's not easy to NOT worry about people and things. I like your thoughts: "I tend to be driven. In the bad way. I'm starting to learn what it means to be called, instead". Hope we'll all learn that soon...
And you're very welcome to ramble anytime.
P.S. Yay you! Finally another post and what a post it is... I thought my life had been stressful lately but that's nothing compared to yours. You should write a book about it.
P.P.S. Nu kloar, stelle uff. Ju ar wellkom tu du set.
Leenda, at 12/06/2004 9:18 PM
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