Mein Room
Now, how cool is that???
Auf mehrmaligen Wunsch hin, habe ich mich doch noch dazu breitschlagen lassen, ein aktuelles Picture von meinem Zimmerli in Erfurt auf meinen Blog zu stellen. Da aber leider immer noch nicht alles so ist, wie ich mir das vorstelle, hab ich erstmal auch nur den Teil der Wohnung geknippst, der halbwegs vorzeigbar unters Volk geworfen werden kann. Tja, Freunde der leichten Unterhaltung, damit werdet ihr euch wohl erstmal begnügen müssen.
(Man beachte natürlich auch eine meiner absolut mega-coolen Ikea Papier-Falt-Lampen, die ich an anderer Stelle schon einmal erwähnte.)
Vielen Dank!
And now to all my English-speaking fans:
Today's translation is sponsored by
Nevertheless, upon repeated wish, I could be talked round on top of that to put a topical picture of my room in Erfurt on my Blog. Because, unfortunately, yet everything is not in such a way as I fancy this, I have taken a photo first even of the part of the apartment which can be thrown more or less presentable under the people. Well, friends of the light entertainment, with it you will probably have to be content first.
(One follows of course also one of my absolutely mega-cool Ikea lamps paper folding which I mentioned at other place already once.)
Thank you very much!
I AM AN ENGLISH FAN!!! I CAN READ IT!!! WooHoo! Ok well not all of it made sense but that is ok, I got most of it. That is a really cool room, I like it. Mine is a very plain room. Last night I had a ton of caffeine and I only slept 2 hours the whole night. And I had about 200 grams of sugar which did not help any. It was someone’s birthday and we had a big party for them. Ok I can never have that much sugar and caffeine before I go to sleep.
Anonym, at 5/04/2005 2:57 PM
Hi Herzlein,
Ich bin ein Englisch fan und auch ein Deutsch fan! Das sieht wirklich toll aus, dein Zimmer! Ich freu mich fuer dich das das langsam in Ordnung kommt! Ich will auch bald ein Bild von deine Kueche sehen! :O) Aber diese Woche freue mich einfach das du wieder zu Hause bist!!!! Bis spaeter, hab dich lieb!! deine sunshine :O)
Smileyneel :O), at 5/04/2005 4:43 PM
Congrats to both of you that you did understand it. I just found that funky online translator and had to laugh so hard while trying to translate some sentences. It cracked me up.
Xzamp, a mixture of caffeine and so much sugar won't do you any good. I'm surprised you even got some sleep that night. But at least you had a good party.
Sunshine, I just looked and can't find a picture of my kitchen although I have miscell-aneous pics of my apartment. I guess you just have to come over :o)
And I'm very happy that I'm able to be here this week. I really enjoyed the basketball game, it's just too bad I can't join you next time. Stinko.
Hab dich lieber
Leenda, at 5/05/2005 1:35 AM
der beste translator ever ist aber
try it!
Anonym, at 5/13/2005 4:21 PM
Thanks, I'll try it.
Leenda, at 5/14/2005 10:22 AM
Leenda, you have totally inspired me! I will also try sometimes, in my Blog something to posten what I have sent first by this translator's machine. Time see what comes out, besides. I am curious already!
thegermanygirl, at 5/18/2005 4:14 PM
P.S. I would really like to be present when part of your apartment is thrown under the people. That sounds like it would be a very educational experience.
thegermanygirl, at 5/18/2005 4:48 PM
Yeah, isn't it the funniest thing ever. It cracks me up.
P.S. Try to be the first catching a part, I'll save one for you.
Leenda, at 5/19/2005 1:51 AM
Deine Zimmer ist wirklich dufte!
April, at 5/19/2005 11:01 PM
Dankeschön April!
Leenda, at 5/25/2005 3:56 PM
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