A little prayer
"Father, help me to remember that life is all about love. Today I will take the time to love the people you place in my path. Remind me that loving others is never a waste of time. Teach me to love those who seem unlovable and give them what they need, not what they deserve."
I think I just have to add something to this little prayer.
In the last few weeks I had a hard time with some people and the way they are. It's sometimes not that easy to just accept people that are different in some ways or not like me. I was hoping that they would change fast but I know that changing is a long process that'll endure your whole life and that means that patience is very important.
Another thing is that I have to become a better person first to have a positive influence on somebody else and I can only do it through love. Unconditional love. But this is so hard when these people keep on hurting and dissappointing you over and over again.
I think I just have to add something to this little prayer.
In the last few weeks I had a hard time with some people and the way they are. It's sometimes not that easy to just accept people that are different in some ways or not like me. I was hoping that they would change fast but I know that changing is a long process that'll endure your whole life and that means that patience is very important.
Another thing is that I have to become a better person first to have a positive influence on somebody else and I can only do it through love. Unconditional love. But this is so hard when these people keep on hurting and dissappointing you over and over again.
Hey Leenda,
Don't know why I didn't comment on this before. But that's one of the most difficult things for me to deal with, too, knowing that people change at their own pace...and sometimes don't change at all. I often find it very difficult to be patient.
However, I try to keep two things in mind: One, my parents taught me constantly when I was a kid: In any relationship, you can never change the other person. The only person you can change is yourself.
Two, God is always patiently waiting for *me* to change. So I have no right to be impatient with anyone else.
It's just hard to put those principles into practice in my head. ;o)
Yours, wondering if we humans will ever really *get it*,
thegermanygirl, at 3/09/2005 3:58 PM
Thank you so much for your wonderful thoughts, Court. I was hoping that somebody would leave a comment. I'm always happy to hear other people's opinions about it, so it's really good to get some feedback especially on this topic.
Loving others without any doubt or fear or prejudices should become the most important thing in our lives and it's also so hard to do at the same time. *sigh*
Yours, working on *getting it*,
Leenda, at 3/10/2005 12:30 AM
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