Yay, today was the last day of school for this year. I'm sooo excited. I'll leave my residence in Erfurt to go home. I'm a little worried about my so called "roomtrees" though. I'm afraid, by the time I'll come back next year, all the leaves will be strewn at large on the carpet. I hope my roommates will take care of it. One of them told me to stick a water-filled bottle into the flowerpot. I'm actually very skeptical concerning this kind of irrigation. But I'll try and see how it works.
My friend is going to pick me up and I'm very thankful because I have a lot to take home with me, for example my DVD-Player cause we're going to have a Lord Of The Rings Day on Wednesday (warning: if somebody feels like falling asleep we'll wake him up by a foghorn right next to the couch). And of course we're not leaving Erfurt after a little "stopover" at Subway in a few minutes. Yummyyyy.
Tonight will be EBS (English Bible Study) at church. I'm looking forward to that and I'm happy to see all of my friends there. Tomorrow we'll have our annual Christmas-Kaffeetrinken at church with a lot of cookies and coffee of course. (Oh, that reminds me that I actually have to make some cookies tonight.)
And Christmas is just around the corner. Oh my goodness, I don't think I have presents for everyone yet. Oh, and I have to send Christmas cards to some of my friends. (I better keep that in my head too) Anyway...
I'll be gone to Austria between Christmas and New Year's Eve to go snowboarding with my friends. I can hardly wait. That's gonna be awesome. And of course I'll tell you about my trip.
And then there'll be my tests in january and february. Well, don't want to talk about that now cause it's gonna be a long long time until then...
Yeah, I think that's mainly all I have to share this morning while waiting for my friend to pick me up.
Hope ya'll will have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious weekend. Love ya...
My friend is going to pick me up and I'm very thankful because I have a lot to take home with me, for example my DVD-Player cause we're going to have a Lord Of The Rings Day on Wednesday (warning: if somebody feels like falling asleep we'll wake him up by a foghorn right next to the couch). And of course we're not leaving Erfurt after a little "stopover" at Subway in a few minutes. Yummyyyy.
Tonight will be EBS (English Bible Study) at church. I'm looking forward to that and I'm happy to see all of my friends there. Tomorrow we'll have our annual Christmas-Kaffeetrinken at church with a lot of cookies and coffee of course. (Oh, that reminds me that I actually have to make some cookies tonight.)
And Christmas is just around the corner. Oh my goodness, I don't think I have presents for everyone yet. Oh, and I have to send Christmas cards to some of my friends. (I better keep that in my head too) Anyway...
I'll be gone to Austria between Christmas and New Year's Eve to go snowboarding with my friends. I can hardly wait. That's gonna be awesome. And of course I'll tell you about my trip.
And then there'll be my tests in january and february. Well, don't want to talk about that now cause it's gonna be a long long time until then...
Yeah, I think that's mainly all I have to share this morning while waiting for my friend to pick me up.
Hope ya'll will have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious weekend. Love ya...
Liebe Leenda Lulu,
So wie war's eigentlich bei Subway? Hat's geschmeckt? Hoffentlich! Und hast du irgendwann in die letzte Tage Mary Poppins angekuckt? :O) Ich hoffe das dei der kaffeetrinken ihr habt "O du froehliche" gesungen!! That is a must!!! Es tut mir leid das wir diese Woche nicht Chatten koennen! Aber am Freitag, sollte bei mir keine Problem sein! Ich freue mich drauf! (Das was ich hier auf Deutsch geschreiben hab ist bestimmt falsch, aber du weiss was ich meine!!) Ich wunsche dir eine schone Woche und ein Frohes Fest!! Bis Freitag!!!
hab dich lieb, deine Sunshine :O)
Anonym, at 12/21/2004 5:41 AM
Hallo sunshine,
subway war natürlich wieder yuuuummyyy und wir haben auch wieder eine Bestellung mit heim bringen müssen. (Ich glaube, das wird wohl so langsam zur Gewohnheit)
Das Gemeinde-Kaffeetrinken war auch super. Natürlich haben wir "Oh du fröhliche" gesungen, extra für dich ;o} und Plätzchen hab ich auch gebacken, die mir leider abhanden gekommen sind und jetzt samt der Tupper-Schüssel bei April sein müssten.
Und mach dir keine Sorgen wegen dem Chatten. Ich weiß auch nicht, ob ich Zeit haben werde am Freitag, da is ja schließlich Weihnachten.
Also, wenn das nicht klappen sollte, da wünsche ich dir auf diesem Weg eine gesegnete Weihnachtszeit und einen fleißigen Santa Clause. Grüße an deine Familie...
Hab dich auch lieb.
Leenda, at 12/21/2004 5:42 PM
Sorry, sunshine, aber ich bin *nicht* froh, daß wir "O du fröhliche" gesungen haben. ;o)
Leenda, I wanted to tell you about this joke I heard. I don't know what the joke was. So it won't be very funny for me to tell you this. But the last line was, "He's a super, calloused, fragile mystic, plagued with halitosis."
It would be a really funny joke if I could remember it.
thegermanygirl, at 12/22/2004 12:04 AM
Oh well, Court, to each his own when it comes to the Christmas songs! O du froehliche holds sentimental meaning! :O)
Hope you're having a great week!! Missing chatting with you this week and hoping it'll work for us to chat briefly (at least) on Friday!!!!
love ya, Sunshine
Anonym, at 12/22/2004 11:38 PM
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