I just read some lines in a book and suddenly I found this precious word: OXYMORON. But what is it? It actually sounds like it would be kind of a prehistorical critter. I remember that I once heard it in one of my German classes long long time ago. I only remember that it made me laugh and I thought 'Why don't they use a more understandable word for it?' But I guess there is none. It's just what it is. An oxymoron.
Anyway, I was very excited to kind of recover it though. So, let's see what the dictionary tells us about it because I forgot what it actually means.
ox·y·mo·ron A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, as in a deafening silence and a mournful optimist.
Huh, very interesting and very funky at the same time. I think I have a new favorite word. I'm so very happy.
As a mournful optimist I need deafening silence now so I'll better go to bed.
Anyway, I was very excited to kind of recover it though. So, let's see what the dictionary tells us about it because I forgot what it actually means.
ox·y·mo·ron A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, as in a deafening silence and a mournful optimist.
Huh, very interesting and very funky at the same time. I think I have a new favorite word. I'm so very happy.
As a mournful optimist I need deafening silence now so I'll better go to bed.
Well it would appear that the amount of visitors have gone down. I have been busy the past week and have not been able to check all the regular stuff I visit on the internet. My grandparents just moved to Owasso and I have to help them move and unpack boxes. It is kind of funny the way elderly people are. There was only 1 cabinet left in the kitchen that is empty and my grandmother had to take 10 minutes to decide where she wanted to put her spices for cooking.
I am entered in a speech contest tomorrow. I am entering a speech of about six and a half minutes in length. If I win then I will have the finances to be able to bring my favorite missionaries child to Oklahoma for Youth Camp this summer. Fortunately there are only 4 people that entered the contest so I should have a very good shot at winning. I do not know why more people did not enter, but then again there are more people that are afraid of speaking in front of people than of heights.
It is getting dark here and almost time for supper. There was a cold front that moved in today that caused it to snow for a little while which was very nice. The snow did not stick to the ground though because it was about 40 degrees outside.
I am sorry if I talk about myself too much but considering the fact that I do not really know you and I do not want to bombard you with a ton of questions, this just seems like the best way to leave a comment. I have to go now but I will be sure to check your Blog again in about 2 days. Until then I bid you farewell.
Anonym, at 3/01/2005 1:57 AM
jumbo SHRIMP
Anonym, at 3/02/2005 5:00 AM
Hey Xzamp,
thanks for saying Hi again. There's a lot going on in your life, huh? But I can imagine. The whole moving thing keeps me very busy and it's about time to go back to Erfurt to have some 'Leenda time' again.
You're right, elderly people are kind of funky but in a good way. I hope everything worked out with your grandparent's moving.
I also hope your speech contest was successful. Speaking in front of a large crowd of people? Oh my goodness. I do not like it at all. But I'd like to know more about the bringing a missionaries child to a Youth Camp thing. That sounds very interesting.
It is very very chilly in Germany at the moment. It's the coldest winter in 40 years though, about -10 degrees Celsius (which would be like 15 degrees Fahrenheit) I honestly cannot say that I like it that much. I got up at 5.30 am this morning and thought I would die when I went outside. I WANT summer!
you got it dude, you got it.
Leenda, at 3/03/2005 5:19 PM
Hey Leenda! I love oxymorons, they're funny. Here's a dumb joke that English-speakers always tell about that word:
What do you get when you cross a bull with the village idiot?
--An oxymoron.
Ha ha. I hope you enjoyed this stupid joke. It really is one of the dumbest jokes in the English language.
Linguistically yours,
thegermanygirl, at 3/04/2005 1:53 AM
Hallo Leenda,
I always enjoy your blog! I think oxymorons are fun too, but I don't have any specific ones in mind right now. I went to the doctor today and got medicine for a sinus infection. Hopefully that will help. Have a great day!
April, at 3/07/2005 4:10 PM
this is probably the dumbest joke I've ever heard but thanks for sharing.
Have a great week!
Poor April,
I'm really sorry you don't feel good. What's up with all the "Amis" being sick at the moment???
I'm glad you're rambling through my blog regularly, I also enjoy reading yours a lot.
I hope you'll get better soon, I'll think of you.
Love ya
Leenda, at 3/07/2005 9:43 PM
The problem with us Amis is that we're constantly in each other's faces, breathing on each other.
But that's just life in the Christian Ghetto.
Yours, Trying Not To Inhale,
thegermanygirl, at 3/09/2005 1:53 AM
you shouldn't exhale either. :o)
any other word suggestions???
Leenda, at 3/10/2005 12:36 AM
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