German American Football
Hello folks and friends.
I thought I might share my adventure from last Saturday with all of you. As you can see below, we went to an American Football Game last week. Yes, we do even have a football team in Chemnitz, called the Chemnitz Crusaders. I tried to remember the rules of the game cause I've been told them last year but without any success, I'm afraid. (But thanks for doing anyway, Matt. It was worth a try.) So we got there an hour too early but that way we were able to see them warming up. It kind of reminded me of the games I played in kindergarten like the jumping jacks we did there. All of them were bellowing and screaming and did funky moves. And this was only the warm up. So I was excited about the game. They started and I have to say that it was about time because the sun was shining badly and we had about 90 degrees Fahrenheit that day. Poor sweating people playing on the field trying to catch an oval ball, I thought to myself. But they chose to do so, right?

During the first quarter I didn't even see where the ball went. Man, you have to really focus on the ball or else you'll completely miss the whole game. I think it's easier to watch it on TV. But I really liked to see the players jumping on the one with the ball. That was fun to watch.
Anyway. After the second quarter we left with the score 00:07 for the other team, whatever this means. It was just too hot. And now I'm sitting here with a whole lot of questions concerning this sort of sport like "Why do they use an oval ball? How much are ten yards? or Why do the referees have different caps?" I just don't understand. Hopefully someday a patient somebody will take the time to explain.
I thought I might share my adventure from last Saturday with all of you. As you can see below, we went to an American Football Game last week. Yes, we do even have a football team in Chemnitz, called the Chemnitz Crusaders. I tried to remember the rules of the game cause I've been told them last year but without any success, I'm afraid. (But thanks for doing anyway, Matt. It was worth a try.) So we got there an hour too early but that way we were able to see them warming up. It kind of reminded me of the games I played in kindergarten like the jumping jacks we did there. All of them were bellowing and screaming and did funky moves. And this was only the warm up. So I was excited about the game. They started and I have to say that it was about time because the sun was shining badly and we had about 90 degrees Fahrenheit that day. Poor sweating people playing on the field trying to catch an oval ball, I thought to myself. But they chose to do so, right?

During the first quarter I didn't even see where the ball went. Man, you have to really focus on the ball or else you'll completely miss the whole game. I think it's easier to watch it on TV. But I really liked to see the players jumping on the one with the ball. That was fun to watch.
Anyway. After the second quarter we left with the score 00:07 for the other team, whatever this means. It was just too hot. And now I'm sitting here with a whole lot of questions concerning this sort of sport like "Why do they use an oval ball? How much are ten yards? or Why do the referees have different caps?" I just don't understand. Hopefully someday a patient somebody will take the time to explain.
I can't believe you didn't remember the rules! I'm hurt....
Mgam, at 6/05/2005 3:39 AM
I'm sorry, I just can't keep stuff like that it in my head and it's the same with soccer. I think all the different rules are too complicated for my brain or they're just too easy that I don't understand them. But otherwise the fact that I'm a girl excuses a lot, doesn't it?
Leenda, at 6/06/2005 2:18 PM
huhu dudi huhu, nach langer Zeit muss ich auch mal wieder schreiben
da ich ebenso ein Zeuge des sportlichen Ereignisses war kann ich rückblickend sagen: "Wow, ich war froh den Ball bei der Erwärmung einige Male in der Luft gesehen zu haben, denn dann im Spiel fand ich ihn nur sehr selten."
von den Regeln fang ich nicht erst an, ich bin mir sicher da steckt System dahinter
dudi ich fands lustig
Anonym, at 6/06/2005 5:56 PM
Oho, welch seltener Besuch auf meinem blog :o)
Ich bin mir auch sicher, dass da irgendein mysteriöses System dahinter steckt, nur welches???
Leenda, at 6/07/2005 10:04 AM
Well in the US we are kind of passionate about football. Some of us call it "God's chosen sport." There really are a ton of rules so don't feel bad if you did not remember them all. But they have different caps so that you can tell the difference between the head refferee and the other refs. 10 yards is equal to 30 feet. And then I have no clue why they chose the oval ball, but to me it is a lot easier to throw and catch. Ok well i was gone for a week that is why you did not hear for me sooner but i hope you are doing well. Talk to you later.
Anonym, at 6/08/2005 4:22 AM
"God's chosen sport" in Germany would definitely be soccer and all the people are crazy about it here. So I know what you're talking about.
Have a good day
Leenda, at 6/08/2005 9:52 AM
ich bin zufällig auf deine Seite gestoßen und finde sie ganz nett. Aber ich glaube, ich verstehe das System hier genausowenig wie du das des Football. By the way, wir hatten dieses jahr noch ein extremes Spiel. Da standen gut 10cm Wasser auf dem Platz. Das Spiel wurde zur Halbzeit von den Refs auch abgebrochen, da sie die Auslinien nicht mehr sehen konnten.
Zu den regeln findest du einiges auf unserer Seite ( Vielleicht läßt es dich das Spiel ein wenig besser verstehen. Die Grundidee besteht darin, Raumgewinn zu erzielen. Mit jeweils vier Versuchen sind 10 Yards zu überwinden. Gelingt das, stehen wieder vier Versuche für 10 Yards zur Verfügung. Gelingt dies nicht, wechselt das Angriffsrecht. Alles Weitere würde hier wahrscheinlich den Rahmen sprengen, wie es (ich glaube) Matt schon beschrieben hat.
Ansonsten würden wir dich gern wieder bei einem unserer Spiele (erst wieder 2006) begrüßen. Du kannst ja immer mal auf unserer HP vorbneischauen, die ist ziemlich aktuell und du findest einiges an Infos über die Crusaders.
Anonym, at 10/13/2005 2:45 PM
Hallo Ralph M.,
ich danke dir für deine Zeilen. Ich habe mir auch eure Homepage schon angeschaut und versucht, mich mit den Regeln vertraut zu machen. Am besten ist aber wirklich, sich ein Spiel anzuschauen und dabei die Regeln zu lernen. Vielleicht bin ich ja nächste Saison wieder dabei.
Leenda, at 10/18/2005 4:05 PM
ich möchte nur auf unsere Superbowl-Party hinweisen. Sie steigt am 5.2.06 im Treff am Campus in der Mensa der TU Chemnitz. Beginn wird 21 Uhr sein. Vielleicht willst du da ja mal vorbeischauen. Infos auch auf unserer HP.
Gruß Ralph
Anonym, at 1/18/2006 3:11 PM
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