What does the artist want to express??? - Part I
Well it's time for a new something out of my life.
And this time it will even be in English (How cool is that?)
While rambling through some old, well almost ancient files today, I happened to find some precious drafts from when I was younger. A whole lot younger!
The person in the picture is supposed to be me, believe it or not (well better believe it because it really is) while
Helping Mommy with the dishes.
Since many artists always come up with a funky interpretation of what their work of art ought to be I think I have to give an explanation as well. So what can I tell you about the picture below?
Ummm.......to be honest not much.
The first impression after looking at it for the first time after who-knows-how-many years was "That's indescribably.........well........S C A R Y." It's like watching a bad accident. You don't want to look at it but you HAVE to for some mysterious reason.
But after overcoming the first shock and looking at it more specifically I noticed the beauty of it. The hidden beauty. Okay perhaps my arms look a little longer than they really are and I'm not quite sure what happened to my hands compared to the cups in the sink. But I mean, come on, have you ever seen flowers that are more beautiful than these? And look at my blouse. You have to admit that this is kind of cute, isn't it?
And I do look really healthy based on the color of my cheeks. I'm pretty sure that's because of the school milk we were forced to drink every day.
Okay, I want you to take a moment of silence with me to honor this magnificent piece of art.........................Thank you!
Stay tuned folks! There's more art coming up.
That picture is so touching. I'm quite moved.
Mgam, at 11/17/2005 4:18 PM
What an artist you were, but I'm glad you chose another direction for your life!! ;o)
love ya, Smiley Fraauuu :O)
Smileyneel :O), at 11/17/2005 4:50 PM
mgam: If you found that moving make sure you have enough tissues for the next one.
frauuu: How do you mean "I WAS an artist"? I'm pretty hurt now ;o)
Leenda, at 11/21/2005 3:03 PM
Leenda, you've been holding out on me! I never knew you were into art! I'm waiting with great anticipation for your next piece. If it moves Matt to tears, I'm sure I'll be completely overcome by emotion. ;o)
thegermanygirl, at 12/09/2005 11:15 PM
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