What does the artist want to express??? - Part II
I know you could hardly contain yourselves and I thank you for your patience.
This, folks, is my absolutely favorite and the most EYE-catching and it's called
Me gardening at school.
(Although I think PopEye or BigFoot would fit better. Well I guess PopFoot or BigEye or even BigPopFootEye would work too?
However my width and height ratio skills really need to improve.)
Lowest bid: € 250,- ($ 300,-)
Leenda, you're so versatile! Very few artists can work so expertly both in line and in color media. All these emotions welling up inside of me as I look at this painting....
I vote for "BigPopFootEye," if you're taking a poll on title preferences.
thegermanygirl, at 12/11/2005 10:30 PM
P.S. You're inspiring me to post some of my own early art, if I can find any of it. ;o)
thegermanygirl, at 12/11/2005 10:31 PM
I like BigPopFootEye the best too. And I took note of your vote. (See I'm even a poet.) Guess that really qualifies me for being versatile.
P.S. If you can't find any of your own early art you can borrow some of mine. There are a lot of highlights left that I successfully unthoguht about over the last two decades.
Leenda, at 12/12/2005 3:09 PM
HAHAHA!!!! That is so awesome... i love the picture!! I am currently taking art classes at the local college and you proportions are off slightly but i do believe with just a little work they can be fixed. That is so funny. So how are things going? We just has a snow here and it was so nice.. oh how i love the town dressed in white. Driving was horrible though. The semester is up and finals are this week so everyone is studying hard as we all prepare for christmas break. Oh the joy!! Well i hope you are good... i shall comment more later.
Anonym, at 12/13/2005 3:27 AM
I have to say I'm very thankful I was never much for art as a child! My artistry was always in music and thankfully there are no recordings!!! hahaha My vote for Best Title would be "BigFootPopsTheEye"!!
love ya, Frau
Smileyneel :O), at 12/14/2005 7:05 PM
Hey Xzamp,
you're welcome to copy this and give it to your art teacher. Tell him that it's an expressionist piece of art. I'm sure he'll like it ;o)
As for me my studies keep me pretty busy and my finals will be at the end of January. After that I'll hopefully be able to enjoy my well-deserved winterbreak. We already had some snow here (that's at least what my friends keep telling me) but I've somehow always been out of town. Anyway, we're planning on going snowboardng next week and I'm looking forward to it.
I hope you're doing well on your tests and I'll talk to you later.
Last but not least the winner for Best Title is FRAU SMILEYONE with "BigFootPopsTheEye". Looking at the pictures I really wish I would have been more into music as well.
Love you too
Leenda, at 12/15/2005 6:59 PM
I love you beautiful art, Linda! Thanks for sharing!
April, at 12/17/2005 11:12 PM
Well the semester is over and it is time for christmas. Like the typical male i have not done my christmas shopping yet. Oh i feel ashamed. I really should do some shopping. I will probably hit the stores tomorrow and see what i can find. Unfourtunatly cash has been a difficulty latly and so it looks like i will not be able to get a lot of nice gifts for people. Oh well. It is going to be too warm here for christmas. It will be arround 60 degrees. way to warm for christmas. Well i hope you have a good cristmas.
Anonym, at 12/22/2005 10:06 PM
Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!!! I won, I won!!! I'm so happy! I want to thank all of you who inspired my choice of titles, Court for "almost as good as mine" entry and Leenda for her creative picture! I love you all!!!
Smileyneel :O), at 12/23/2005 5:59 PM
Hey Xzamp,
merry Christmas to you too. I'm also a big procrastinator if it comes to X-mas presents. The snow here's unfortunately melting away so it means we won't have a white holidays.
Hope you'll have a wonderful and blessed Christmas and I'll talk to you later.
Yay Frau! I guess you won the picture now whether you want it or not.
Leenda, at 12/24/2005 12:21 AM
I think Frau sollte uns allen einen ausgeben, since she's the winner and all.
thegermanygirl, at 12/27/2005 1:17 AM
meine kleene schwester!! ich hab mir in dieser meiner freistunde mal zeit genommen und auf deinem blog gestöbert... I'm so impressed! hoffe du machst weiter damit, so dass ich mit deinem lebenslauf upkeepen kann, wenn du grade in effe bist und ich "schwester-entzug" habe.
und noch was, von schwester zu schwester: du bist ne totale plage und dafür hab ich dich lieb!!! =)
Anonym, at 1/12/2006 11:28 AM
Hey lil' sis,
wie schön is das denn, dass du dich nach all diesen Jahren mal auf meinem Blog verirrst? Dass ich das noch erleben darf...
Leider fehlt mir momentan ein bisschen die Zeit, alle Leute upzukeepen. Ja, man mag es nicht glauben, aber ich habe auch so manches Mal Schwester-Entzug. Wann bist du eigentlich mal mit nem Blog am Start?
Die Plagende welche (c'est moi) hat dich auch lieb und vermisst dich. Bleib brav.
*Weggehauen* :o)
Leenda, at 1/12/2006 12:09 PM
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